How to Respond to Boss’ Questions

What Bosses Really Think About Returning to the Office (And How To Counter Them)

When a boss returns to work after an absence, he or she likely faces a barrage of questions—particularly about what is going on in the office and if the company is doing well. But are these questions actually constructive?

We polled more than 1,600 managers and entrepreneurs, and asked them about the questions they receive from CEOs. Here are some of the most common and least-asked-about concerns:

What’s the sales environment like?

What are the new business needs?

How can we improve our customer service skills?

And some employers may have even more—the topic of how they feel about returning back to work.

How Employers Can Counter the Boss’ Questions

For many workers, the most important question is, “Are you returning because you’re unhappy in your place of employment?” But not all bosses are looking for negative feedback.

Some employers want a leader who is engaged and active in the company. Some may have a personal or family goal to work for. Some may just be trying to understand the company’s goals for the future. And some are just worried about the safety of their employees, or just want to make sure the company is financially stable.

Other employers may want to see how a manager can improve her or his team in order to meet the company’s performance goals.

How to Respond Correctly If You Have Received Questions

Managers and entrepreneurs should respond to questions in a positive manner, but doing so does not mean you should ignore what you’ve heard.

Here are some strategies to respond to the most common questions:

Don’t respond to “Does the company do well” or“Does the company look the same?” or “How are our customers doing?” Those are often non-constructive questions. Instead, respond

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