The Constitution allows for a special election to fill a vacant seat

Letters to the Editor: Recording shows need for special election to fill Mark Ridley-Thomas’ seat

Re: “The next governor can’t call the shots.” Published on Nov. 7, 2014, but still worth reading. — Paul DeKuyper and others.

On Nov. 6, the U.S. Constitution mandates that the U.S. Senate hold a special election to fill a vacant seat.

This special election should take place on Dec. 14 or 15 because Gov. Mary Fallin (R) announced in September she would not be seeking her sixth term. That is why the lieutenant governor, Mark Ridley-Thomas (R), should call on Gov. Ritter (R) to fill the state Senate seat.

Ridley-Thomas is a good replacement for the term-limited Fallin. She has a positive record as an administrator, especially on education issues, and she has a broad, competent record of running a business, particularly with regard to the economy.

As for the Senate seat, the law requires that the voters decide before the end of the year whether they want to fill the seat with the nominee of a committee appointed by the governor. It would be a good idea, therefore, to ask the voters to approve the appointment of Sen. Diane Savino (R), who would serve as the nominee.

If you ask me, I’ll bet Ridley-Thomas could convince voters that she is the best person to fill the Senate seat with dignity and fairness, and that she and her party are prepared to hold Gov. Ritter accountable to his promises.

I doubt Gov. Ritter would agree, however. He has said repeatedly he believes that the Legislature is there strictly for his benefit, and he would rather see elected officials who are not beholden to party bosses.

The voters should heed the counsel of their leaders. The Constitution allows for a special election, and that is what the voters should do.

Paul DeKuyper

Red Oak

The problem with state Sen. Diane Savino’s (R-Marion) appointment to fill Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas’ (R-Norman)

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